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I`m now a prisoner, `Christiano said

I`m now a prisoner, `Christiano said

Cristiano Ronaldo was late to respond to El Mundo`s post that his place was in jail. Earlier today, the popular Spanish newspaper reported that people with far less financial disturbances are behind bars while Real Madrid`s footballer is not.

CR7 demonstrates he`s in a christmas mood and shares his photo with his three newbornschildren to whom I have added text I`m a prisoner of these sweet babies, ha ha ha.

The attacker is accused by the authorities in Spain of concealing taxes amounting to about 15 million euros. The Prosecutor`s Office wants not only to pay the treasury the amount in question, but to translate as much as a fine. The public in the country believes that because of its popularity Cristiano will not go to jail even if he is found guilty.

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